Monday, May 9, 2011

A Beautiful Mother's Day

I awoke on Mother's Day to a beautiful sunrise! I have to admit I was up for just few moments before I remember that it was Sunday and there was no net so my head could go back down for a bit! I love Sundays!

It was Mother's Day in the States but don't think they celebrate quite the same down here if it all. Rog had scouted town on Saturday trying to find a spot for a nice Sunday brunch but apparently brunch is not big down here. He finally learned that the hotel La Mision would be
open. The Hotel is the tall building in the photo but you can also see how calm the
anchorage was here in Loretto.

There had been a group of ten joining us for breakfast but do one boat problem or another set backs only our friends on Destiny, John and Gilly, could join us. Three of us ordered eggs benedict and Rog had an omelet Mexican. We ate every bite.

It was hard to leave the hotel and go back to our normal schedule of a little grocery shopping, a little check of our Internet, maybe read a book and certainly a siesta. It is Mexico after all. Dinner will be something light after our huge breakfast but we will think about that later

I hope all my girlfriends back home and our newest Mothers Jennifer Stepaniuk and Judy Stouffer's daughter in law Amy had as wonderful a day as I did. Love to all

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