Friday, October 31, 2008
Turtle Bay
What a trip to Turtle Bay
This was actually taken on Wed just as we were entering Turtle Bay. Rog was very relaxed, we had motored for the better part of 24hrs and the engine was about ready to be shut down.
We had fantastic winds for the first day!! What happy campers-- if this wind holds we will be into Turtle Bay in 48 hours. The boat was handling beautifully, spinnaker full, crew happy and relaxed. So lets take a chance and leave the spinnaker flying past sunset, wrong again. We had no more than said those fateful words when we got a wrap around the pulldown lines and every other line in close proximity. With heavy fog setting upon us the guys struggled to douse the sail and stuff it in the dingy. In the morning we would inspect to find a little sail repair was necessary as well as a great deal of untangling. Re packing was fun too. Once that was completed we spent all day Tues watching the knot meter fluctuate between 2.5knts and 4knots. Not really enough to keep the sail flying
There was a squall offshore Wed afternoon and we watched it get closer and closer-by nightfall we had an incredible lightning show. Glad we had anchored by this time
Marilyn had the right attitude-notice the lack of waves when we are passing Cedros--showers had been enjoyed by the entire crew today
Di's Dream had a fantastic send off from Patty and crew on Morning Star--thanks for the great party and escort to the start line and beyond. I think you brought us great sailing or the first part of the journey
I mentioned send a send off--Mark is attackin with giant watergun
There was just a bit of fog as we were about to start. We would end up with heavy fog by nightfall but Marilyn and I managed to keep sail at 8knts during our shift!!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Kick off Party
We really started our own kick off party on Saturday afternoon on Pat Garfield's fabulous yacht Morning Star. Marilyn, Patty, Mimi and I spent the better part of the morning at the local grocery store trying to buy everything that could possible taste good, we had scallops, shrimp, pomegranates, cheeses, bacon along with numerous other goodies. The check out took twenty minuets so you can imagine how much had to be taken down to Morning Star for our party. Only problem, we forgot to tell Mimi that that time for the party had been moved up from 6pm to 4pm. She was not happy with us when we did let her know this small detail. But true to Mimi form, everything was prepared to perfection.
The bar was handled by Patty and the pomegranate martinis flowed all evening. What fun we all had. A great time was had by all, especially when Sharon Day and her husband showed up to wish us all a bon voyage. What a treat that was.
So Sunday we had to party again at the offical Ha Ha kick off party. Our crew of Marilyn Anderdson and husband Eric had gotten together with us several months back to decide on our costume for the party. After much debate we all decided on San Francisco flower children as our theme. Once again our computer is not allowing me to upload the pcitures but let me tell you how well our hippie outfits were received. We won the most unique division!!! We were certainly unique.
Now all the partying is over and we leave the dock first thing tomorrow morning for the start of the race. All kidding aside, we are ready to go. The boat looks great, all little problems addressed we hope and enough food for an army. With any luch we will post again Thurs when we get to Turtle Bay
Long Beach to San Diego
Rog had a wonderful trip with our son Rob and his good friend AJ on Tues. They left Long Beach mid morning with rods and lures ready for action. They were somewhat successful and there is the story about the big one that got away. They arrived at the Bahia Corrithian in time to meet with our good friends Bob Sasine and Maury Friedson. Bob was there primarily to rehearse for a play but fit us in too. Joe met up with us later that evening with the intention of sailing to San Diego.
I will publish pictures of the fish that were caught later, for some reason the computer will not let me load pictures right now
I will publish pictures of the fish that were caught later, for some reason the computer will not let me load pictures right now
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Another day on the water
Rog is heading out to sea again today. Or brief stay at the Long Beach Yacht Club is over and Di's Dream will be going to San Diego with our son's Joe and Rob along for the ride. They have great plans to fish along the way, Rog is not so sure about it. The boys have filled the boat with fishing rods, reels and more tackle you one could possibly need.
Do you think they will catch and release or bring the fish on board for cleaning and cooking?? More about that tomorrow.
Do you think they will catch and release or bring the fish on board for cleaning and cooking?? More about that tomorrow.
Another October Wedding
We made a quick trip back to Jacksonville, Florida this past weekend. This generation of Frizzelles have choosen October to be the month of weddings, this is our third in three years!! It was wonderful getting the family together before we head off on our adventure. Everyone looked great including Mike who was wearing his uniform. Ina took a turn on the dance floor to show the younger crowd how to shake a leg.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Now in Long Beach
Roger decided to leave very early Sat Oct 11, the sun has not quite come up yet. Somehow he coxed me into getting up very early to fix coffee for our crew and cereal for those who wanted it. The guys were ready to get going, they had no idea what lay ahead but they were determined to get out the Gate. Before the end of the trip they would see whales, dolphins, a fire off Pt Dume, and gusts of wind up to 39knts. They would also see the knotmeter peak at 11knts on a number of occasions. But all is well that ends well and they arrived at the Long Beach Yacht Club right on schedule. The trip from the Gate to the entrance to LB Harbor took a total of 54 hours.

Mark Koehler came by to make sure the boat left the dock. Far too often plans change, boats don't get ready and the owners don't get the chance to through off the dock lines.
Just leaving the Estuary, not sure of what is going to happen next but Bruce has decided to check out the Raider's game before he was too far off shore. Little did he know that the reception would be so good that he would be able to watch his beloved 49ers game too. Shame he didn't loose reception before the game was over.
This story has it that the guys saw 8 to 12 ft seas with 25knts of wind the first day, doesn't look that way to me!! Can you find the dolphin in the picture??
Through the salt spray the guys could see the Porter Ranch Fire early Monday morning. The morning started out with 39knts of Santa Ana Winds and fetching seas that would eventually lay down so that they could motor into Long Beach.
The Long Beach Yacht will be home for the next week while we are back east for a wedding. Clean up after the trip down took the better part of two days, I am still doing wash! But the gang had a great time and we appreciate all the help. Great crew and a wonderful adventure was had by all.
Rog, Tony Barone, Ron Konkle and Bruce Tomlinson--no one was quite awake yet

Friday, October 10, 2008
One more day
I think we have finally gotten the boat as ready as she can be. Sheets have been changed, water tanks filled and all food on board. Now if the weather will co-operated we will be able to pull away from the docks early, early Sat morning before the Navy fleet comes in. Yes, as it is scheduled now Rog will be trying to go out under the Golden Gate just as the Fleet Week Fleet of Navy warships are coming in. Guess who has right of way--it is not us!!
It has been very busy the last few days getting everything ready. The computer has been updated with charts all the way to Acapulco--we are not going that far--Rog has gotten paper charts, we have visited with all our close friends. We took the boat over to the fuel dock to top off, only needed 5 gals, filled all the jerry cans. What else can we do but wait for the crew to arrive and hope the wind drops just a bit
We will see what happens tomorrow, very very early.
It has been very busy the last few days getting everything ready. The computer has been updated with charts all the way to Acapulco--we are not going that far--Rog has gotten paper charts, we have visited with all our close friends. We took the boat over to the fuel dock to top off, only needed 5 gals, filled all the jerry cans. What else can we do but wait for the crew to arrive and hope the wind drops just a bit
We will see what happens tomorrow, very very early.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
On week to go
Friday has arrived so that means we have just one week to go. The last two days have been very busy ones with my final doctor's appointment, yes I am well and can go, several trips to the storage unit, and the most important trip to Bev Mo! The wine in Mexico just can not compare to our local ones.
Tonight I am having a small party to celebrate Rog's birthday. I want to have it tonight rather than the 9th to make sure there is no hangover on departure day. We learned last time that it is not a good way to start a trip. Seasick or hungover--not good on a boat.
So now back to what we have been doing to get ready. All the work clothes have been take off the boat and packed away at storage. The fun warm weather outfits are folded, rolled or hung up in every little nook and crany. Our aft cabin is just like the suitcase you take on vacation, I better not buy anything or I will be towing a barge back to San Francisco behind Di's Dream. Rog has a bit more work in this department but the plan is to have him attack his closet Sunday. He has been very busy putting on the jack lines, the extra fuel cans, changing out the E120 Chartplotter for a new one and just generally making sure the boat is ready.
Just one more week and we will be underway!!
Tonight I am having a small party to celebrate Rog's birthday. I want to have it tonight rather than the 9th to make sure there is no hangover on departure day. We learned last time that it is not a good way to start a trip. Seasick or hungover--not good on a boat.
So now back to what we have been doing to get ready. All the work clothes have been take off the boat and packed away at storage. The fun warm weather outfits are folded, rolled or hung up in every little nook and crany. Our aft cabin is just like the suitcase you take on vacation, I better not buy anything or I will be towing a barge back to San Francisco behind Di's Dream. Rog has a bit more work in this department but the plan is to have him attack his closet Sunday. He has been very busy putting on the jack lines, the extra fuel cans, changing out the E120 Chartplotter for a new one and just generally making sure the boat is ready.
Just one more week and we will be underway!!
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